Ashling Moran

Soundbath & Goddess Gathering

Ashling McDonnell


Did You Know? Up to 90 percent of doctor’s visits are stress-related, according to the American Institute of Stress. Stress and negativity create blockages that cause energy disturbances and can lead to disease.

Sound travels about four times faster through water than it does through air. Since our bodies are about 70 percent water, sound becomes a first choice for a natural therapy.

Matching the frequencies of healthy resonance can provide stress relief. Sound can shift our energy, removing frequencies of emotions such as fear, anger, and resentment.

​ One of the best modalities to bring the body back to its own healthy harmonic resonance is sound and vibration from singing bowls, gongs and many other sound instruments. Struck or sung in specific tone sequences, the vibratory frequencies emanated create a sympathetic resonance in your cells.

These vibrations lower heart rate variability, reduce respiratory rates and relax brain wave patterns. When the heart rate is relatively steady and the breathing is deep and slow, the stress hormones decrease.

​The experience is one of absolute serenity as deep relaxation and soothing resonant sound restore balance and well-being.