Rajinder Singh

Soul Retrieval

Rajinder Singh


Shamanic healing is about energy, and typically the shamanic practitioner sees a lack of health and well-being on any level as being about a loss of energy in some form. Trauma, stress, abuse, or even a serious accident at any time in one's life, can result in loss of vital life force, vital energy, or essence which is known as 'Soul Loss'.

Sometimes in order to survive seriously challenging situations, a soul part leaves the individual and takes refuge in one of the other worlds, taking with it some of this vital life force.

It does this to assist overall survival. However, it often results in depression, apathy, inability to move on after a loss or death or problems with the immune system. It is the job of the shamanic healer to track down this Soul part in the other worlds, to offer it healing and reassurance, and to invite it to return and bring back its positive qualities.

This is known as 'Soul Retrieval'. Once the Soul parts are returned, life takes on a new brightness and can be lived with more optimism and delight.

There are a number of symptoms of Soul Loss, for example, when people feel that they are observing life as an outsider, rather than engaging and being fully involved. Other common symptoms are when people feel 'spaced out' a lot of the time, not really here.

Other symptoms that indicate possible Soul Loss are life-themes such as a pervasive fear, and inability to trust people. Chronic illness may also be a symptom of Soul Loss.

This directly relates to Power. In the shamanic worldview, power and maintaining health go hand in hand, if the body is power-full, there is no room for illness or disease.