Jeanne Sullivan Billeci

Become a Soul Mate Magnet

Jeanne Sullivan Billeci


How I Attracted My Soul Mate Overnight in Midlife: Call In YOUR Partner by Mastering the Law of Attraction

Are you frustrated that you haven't attracted a soul mate partner despite all the work you've done on yourself?

Do people say you're too picky or too much and need to tone it down with dates or you’ll scare them off?

Are you confused why you're confident in your work but the law of attraction seems to be working against you in love?

In this talk, The Soul Mate Coach Jeanne Sullivan Billeci, author of Be the Soul Mate You Want to Attract, shares why so many singles manifest fabulous careers or social circles but in romantic relationships they attract what they don't want, leaving them cynical, frustrated and exhausted. The law of attraction is way more than visualizing what you want!

She’ll share how she—as a 23-stone middle-aged spinster who was told she was too much and should be "realistic"—changed her mind about what was possible for her, using her branding and law of attraction skills to literally call in her fabulous husband overnight. She’ll share the keys to getting the law of attraction to work FOR you, and how she's helped clients all over the world shift and call in a partner who supports and elevates them!