Rajinder Singh

Intrusive Energies & Clearing

Rajinder Singh


Intrusive Energies & House/Space Clearings

 There are two types of Intrusive Energies, Crystallised energies and Fluid energies.

Crystallised Energies

These can be caused by anger, envy, or hatred directed at us by another person. People who are the closest to us make us most vulnerable to their betrayal, anger and jealousy and negative thoughts from them can penetrate our Luminous body like a dagger. Although our system can protect itself, a constant barrage of negativity can penetrate our defenses and become crystallised and embed itself in our physical body and over time harden. They can also be energetic remnants-memories of how we died, how we were hurt or killed in a former life. I have tracked and removed crystallised energies many times in clients that show physical symptoms of pain that cannot be otherwise explained.

Fluid Energies or Entities

Intrusive entities are disincarnate spirits trapped between this world and the next. When a person is spiritually open and/or out of balance they can become an easy target and a place of refuge for these energies. They attach themselves to a chakra and enter into a parasitic relationship with the host. They can produce anxiety, depression, mood swings, addictions, changes in behavior, and a host of other symptoms. An intrusive entity may appear as one of two types; one of our former selves (awakened from our sub-conscience) or a disincarnate being. This can even be a loved one coming to us for assistance after dying unconsciously (in an accident or under heavy medication) and not being aware they have died. We take them into the safety of our Luminous Energy field unaware that when their energy mixes with ours it will start to wreak havoc and may even exhibit the same physical and emotional symptoms they suffered before they died. Once extracted they are guided through ritual & ceremony back to the spirit world and the client can experience tremendous healing.

House/Space Clearing

This is key to having a home or workplace where you can have peace of mind and a balanced environment. Places that are heavy with energies that shouldn't be there are difficult to live or work in. Aside from the physical exhaustion and illnesses they create an atmosphere that lacks motivation, progress, and disharmony among the people that are there.