Jeanne Sullivan Billeci

Dating Mastery for Empaths

Jeanne Sullivan Billeci


Why Empaths Manifest Draining Relationships & Keys to Calling in a Partner Who Supports and Elevates Them

Are you an empath who keeps attracting draining relationships and yearn for a partner who lifts you up?

Do people say you’re “too much” and you should “tone it down” with dates or you’ll scare them off?

Do you feel confident in your career and friends but doubt you can have the dream love you deserve?

In this talk, The Soul Mate Coach Jeanne Sullivan Billeci, author of Be the Soul Mate You Want to Attract, shares why empaths often attract draining relationships—where they feel like they’re either the boss, the mom, or the victim—and how to shift so they can finally receive a soul mate love that supports and elevates them. There are reasons empaths attract narcissists, commitment phobes and manipulators over and over again, BUT they can shift this pattern and call in a soul partner who aligns with your mission!

She’ll share how she—as a 23-stone middle-aged spinster who was “too much” and also a closeted people pleaser—shifted her limiting beliefs, changed her mind about what was possible for her and owned her value to attract her supportive soul mate overnight, and the keys she teaches clients all over the world who've attracted their partners in crime!