Maria B. Bourke

2023 - 5 Beliefs to Revisit

Maria B. Bourke


Long Title: 5 beliefs I’m RELIEVED I revisited and changed since the beginning of 2023!

I’d love to guide you through 5 beliefs I’ve revisited this year, so you have the opportunity to change them too, if that feels right for you.

Several of these nuggets are from Esther Hicks's YouTube videos, the balance are my own insights. Together they make a BIG difference in my view of the world and how empowered I feel about manifesting my dreams into reality.

What to expect... We’ll start and end with a guided meditation. Bring a journal/paper & pen so we can workshop the beliefs together and you can get better clarity.

You’ll also get to pick and keep My Kinda Magik cards.

I hope you’ll join me. Maria